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Quiz to Assess Your Stroke Risk & Knowledge

Quiz to Assess Your Stroke Risk & Knowledge

Test your stroke IQ with this quick quiz. Then put your knowledge in action to help reduce the chance of a stroke.

Test Your Stroke IQ

1. The following conditions are risk factors for a stroke:

A. Heart disease
B. High blood pressure
C. High cholesterol
D. All of the above.

Answer: D, all of the above.

Diabetes and sickle cell disease are also conditions that can contribute to the odds of having a stroke. Closely monitoring the conditions listed above and keeping them in check by exercising regularly, eating healthy, and taking medications as prescribed can reduce your risk of stroke.

2. True or False: If you’ve already had one stroke, or even a mini-stroke, your odds of having a second stroke increase.

Answer: True.

The chances of having a stroke increase after a first stroke. It’s important to follow your doctor’s orders and take any necessary medications to reduce the risk. You may also reduce the chance of a second stroke by eliminating some of the risk factors that caused the stroke.

3. True or False: Family history is the single most important risk factor for stroke.

Answer: False

Age is the number one uncontrollable risk factor for stroke. The odds of having a stroke double with each decade after the age of 55. Additionally, high blood pressure is the single most important controllable risk factor, according to CDC statistics.

4. The following activities can help reduce the risk of a stroke:

A. Eating foods high in fat and cholesterol
B. Never drinking alcohol
C. Quitting smoking
D. All of the above

Answer: C

Smokers may increase their odds of having a stroke to six times that of non-smokers, making smoking one of the highest risk factors for a stroke. Even if you’ve always smoked, you can reduce your risk of a stroke by quitting today. 

A healthy diet, which limits foods high in fat and cholesterol, may also reduce the risk of stroke.

5. The following are stroke symptoms:

A. Difficulty speaking
B. Drooping face
C. Numbness or loss of strength in one arm
D. All of the above.

Answer: D.

These are all symptoms of stroke, sometimes remembered by the acronym FAST: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty. The final “T” stands for “Time to call 9-1-1,” which is the best action to take if you believe a loved one is having a stroke.

Get Help After a Stroke at Five Star Senior Living

If you need rehab support following a stroke, you may be interested in a short term stay at a Five Star Senior Living community near you. We offer Ageility Physical Therapy Solutions for everything from physical and occupational therapy to speech therapy.

Additionally, Five Star Senior Living’s Lifestyle360 program combined with our healthy meals make it easier for residents to reduce stroke risk factors and enjoy the best possible quality of life. Contact us to learn more.

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